CROP follows on from the ‘Arts & Humanities Entrepreneurship Hub’ project, which aimed to link the world of university education with the world of business, in the cultural and creative sector CROP goes even further by focusing on skills for cross-fertilisation of the cultural and creative sector with other sectors of the European economy.

Creative Thinking

CROP uses the concept of spillover applied to creativity to enhance the creative thinking of students and graduates who have been in A&H for no more than two years.

Community Networks

Students - during their training - will be actively involved in community networks with CCI stakeholders and develop practical skills in the search for solutions with high local impact.

Job opportunities

This will lead to increased job placement opportunities and/or the development of their own entrepreneurial project.


news and events

Specialties in R&D at XAMK

PICC Open Session

Dolce Far Niente and Innovation: The Role of Quiet and Leisure in Creative and Organizational Growth

How will CROP Project shape the pathway of cultural and creative sector?

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.