Gesture by Harry Walsh Foreman – A Notional Gesture for the Arts

GESTURE is a new space within Our Thriving Tribe Project (OTT) where arts professionals were commissioned to consider entrepreneurship from the perspective of the arts in Ireland and respond with a gesture.

Each Gesture was digitally documented: this documentation became part of Our Thriving Tribes research materials. Each unique Gesture remained with the arts professional. The commissioned documentation from GESTURE will be exhibited online, shared through the OTT & AHEH projects digital platforms and published in the Our Thriving Tribe publication.

Harry Walsh Foreman was born in Dublin where for the most part he has been based since either making art, teaching art or sometimes both.

Harry recently graduated from the MFA in Fine Art Paint in the National College of Art & Design (NCAD) in Dublin. He has exhibited extensively through Ireland in numerous group shows where he has honed his particular approach which celebrates the human and the marks we make on the world from the architecture of a skyline to the tagging on a storefront. It is made in celebration of the local, the small-scale, the eccentric and the down-right ordinary.
It is a search for the moments which contain a multitude of possibilities for examining the humour of the everyday. These works are inspired by contemporary events ranging from the Repeal the 8th movement to the current housing crisis and every thing in between so he can satirise the nation we live in and in doing so create pieces which spark conversations which will allow us all to examine what we mean by erroneous terms like local or small scale when these borders we put up wheter the divide between north side and south side of Dublin, or more recently the unrelenting bickery of the Hard Border are as fictitious as the stories he puts his characters in.

Harry partcipated in the OTT zoom room sessions which can be viewed here.

Harry Walsh Foreman website: