European Specialization Course in Creativity and innovation

Under the project CROP, the partnership designed the PICC European Specialization Course:

“Creativity as a spillover for local development: fund raising, analysis and evaluation of socio-economic impact and civic engagement”

The PICC is a European Specialization Course program that integrates Architecture, Economics, Design, Marketing, Social Sciences, and Digital Technologies to promote Creativity, Environmental and Cultural Sustainability, strengthen Community Engagement, and foster Cultural Entrepreneurship.

PICC Specialization Course will provide creative and technological tools to empower participants to develop cultural projects that generate significant economic and social impact. Additionally, partnerships with industry stakeholders enhance real-world learning and offer students the opportunity to collaborate on practical, high-impact projects.


PICC is a 6-month program offering 10 modules (2 compulsory and 8 electives), each worth from 3 to 6 ECTS. Participants must earn a minimum of 30 ECTS to obtain the Specialization Course.

The pilot version of the PICC 2025 Specialization Course will be completely free.  From the following year it will be fee-based.

The program will be fully delivered online, combining 120 hours of asynchronous learning with 40 hours of synchronous activities with a panel of internationally renowned experts driving innovation and change in the cultural and creative sectors, including practical workshops and in-person events. The course includes personalized mentoring sessions and real- life community and business projects, which enhance the applicability of the acquired knowledge.

The PICC program equips students and professionals to navigate future challenges with cutting-edge, transformative knowledge, exposing you to powerful insights and thought- provoking ideas that help you build lasting mental frameworks. It provides them with a robust set of strategic tools, enabling you to master creative planning and execution with a disruptive and innovative mindset.


  1. Promote Creativity and Cultural and Environmental Sustainability
  2. Strengthen Community Engagement
  3. Cultivate Innovation and Cultural Entrepreneurship
  4. Encourage Real-World Application


PICC is designed for:

Community Leaders, Policymakers and Urban Planners, Creative Entrepreneurs, Artists and Designers, Cultural Managers, Non-Profit Cultural Advocates, Leaders in non-profits focused on developing impactful cultural projects.


December 28, 2024 – 5:00 PM

This project has been funded with the support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.